HDR Real Estate Photography

Especially in the real estate industry where photography is such a big part of success, the photos need to showcase the properties you are selling or renting and attract potential clients.

They also have to be realistic so that your reputation doesn’t get tarnished when someone visits a property and it’s nothing like you showed in the pictures. This is why HDR real estate photography is such a big deal and why you should seriously be using it to reach your clients.

Using HDR Real Estate Photography: Good or Bad?

HDR is an editing process that balances shadows and highlights, especially for interior photography. If you’ve never done HDR photos and don’t understand this type of presentation, we’re going to discuss how to do HDR, when to use it, as well as situations where HDR real estate photography looks bad.

Why Use HDR for Real Estate Photography?

Standard HDR

Premium HDR

The primary objective for using HDR in real estate photography is for the human eyes to see a property through one photo accurately. Aside from that, there are many advantages to why a high dynamic range is a suitable technique for photographers.

  • Save highlights and balance shadows: It can be challenging balancing the highlights when shooting interior spaces with exterior views. For example, photographing a bedroom with a window view may have multiple light sources. With HDR, you can preserve the contours from window light while retaining the room’s vibrant colors.
  • Increased details: As opposed to shooting with a single exposure, HDR prevents you from losing image detail for important elements like fixtures or furniture. Likewise, you can enhance textures for sharpness and greater clarity.
  • Overcome tricky lighting conditions: There are times when combining ambient light and external lights can create complex lighting. Better than spending too long adjusting your lighting, HDR composites can counteract high contrast lighting in one image.